Join the DreamDocX Facebook Communities 

Part of our mission at DreamDocX is to provide supportive communities where our members can ask and answer questions, encourage each other, and share projects and exciting things that are happening in their offices and lives. That is why we created our our DreamDocX Facebook Communities.

We have our main community for all members. There is scheduled content in this group daily, as well as members asking and answering questions. We also have our Ladies Only group that has weekly content, a monthly Ladies Only Podcast, and a network of supportive female docs and students. Our student group contains weekly content, biweekly Campfire Calls to connect live with your coaches, and a network of students to provide support and help you through your chiro school journey. And finally, we can't forget about our Spouse Community. This is a place where all spouses can ask questions, get support, and learn more about how to help their spouse in the office and at home.  

Use the links below to join our communities and get plugged in!